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Drivers: Call 800-873-8866 ext 329​​ or Click HERE to
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Driving to be the best

2023 Finalist: Best Fleets to Drive For Competition

In business since 1981, Ficel Transport is the premier carrier of specialized steel products in the Great Lakes Region.
Ficel OTR drivers now make $1650-$2100 per week. Local drivers now make $1500 to $1600 per week.
$85,000 to $110,000 PER YEAR.

OTR Driver Pay - Flatbed Steel
Ficel drivers earn the top pay in the trucking industry. Our OTR Flatbed Steel drivers earn between $85,000 and $110,000 annually. New OTR Flatbed Steel drivers receive a guaranteed minimum rate of $1500 per week during the first 14 weeks of employment. All OTR Flatbed Steel drivers are paid 25% of gross revenue per load and they receive Per Diem reimbursement ($69 per day).

Local Driver Pay - Flatbed Steel
Ficel maintains local fleets out of all 4 terminals. Local flatbed steel driving opportunities do come up often throughout the year at Ficel. Our local flatbed steel drivers typically work Monday thru Friday and are home every day. Local flatbed steel driving pay at Ficel ranges from $78,000 to $85,000 per year depending on terminal location and hours worked. All local flatbed steel drivers receive guaranteed daily minimums as well ($1500 per week minimum guaranteed for a 5-day week). Ficel local flatbed steel drivers enjoy the same benefits as Ficel OTR drivers with the exception of the fuel bonus. Local flatbed steel drivers receive extensive paid training as well.

Bonus Program
Ficel drivers receive the following bonuses:
Annual Safety Bonus
$600 per year ($50 per month and rewarded annually)
Monthly Fuel Bonus
$0.50 cents for every $1 saved in fuel if driver exceeds monthly benchmark fuel mileage target. Our average driver earns $100 per month in fuel bonuses, and our top performers earn over $400 per month.
All full-time drivers are eligible for our paid vacation/longevity bonus program. The schedule is as follows:
More than 6 months but less than 1 year of employment: $250 longevity bonus (awarded Dec 15th)
1 full year: $750 longevity bonus
-$250 (awarded Dec 15th)
-$500 available as vacation from July 1-Dec 30
2 full years: $1500 longevity bonus
-$500 (awarded Dec 15th)
-$500 available as vacation from Jan 1-June 30
-$500 available as vacation from July 1-Dec 30
(or remaining balance if nothing used from Jan 1-June 30)
3 full years AND UP:
-$100 per year added to overall bonus ($1600, $1700, $1800, etc.)
-$500 (awarded Dec 15th)
-Maximum 50% available as vacation from Jan 1-June 30
-Full Balance available as vacation from July 1-Dec 30 (minus $500)
Health, Dental, Vision & Life Insurance
Ficel offers excellent health insurance, dental insurance and vision insurance for all full-time employees and their families. We offer the following:
Blue Cross Blue Shield (health insurance)
Cigna Dental (dental insurance)
Davis Vision (vision insurance)
The Hartford (Life Insurance - guaranteed-issue)
Flex Spending Account
Employees are eligible to enroll after 30 days or less (1st of month after 1st day of employment). The bulk of the health insurance premium is covered by the company immediately upon enrollment.
401k Retirement Plan
Ficel offers a very generous 401K Retirement Savings Plan for all full-time employees. Drivers with Ficel for 10 years and can easily accumulate a 401k worth over $100,000.
The company currently makes contributions to the plan equal to 4% of an employee’s gross income. This 4% contribution is guaranteed regardless of an employee’s contribution. The minimum requirement for an employee to participate in Ficel’s 401k is 1% of weekly gross income. All full-time employees are eligible for the plan after at least 90 days of employment.